
Saturday, March 18, 2017

In The Beginning

Happy Spring all
Act one.
In the silence of nothingness
I see a curtain goes aside
Nobody blinks
No one breathes
A tiny sparkle
Smaller than an atom
Or an electron or a quark
Starts dancing before it explodes.
The world is created.
Everybody is mesmerized
All look forward
But I try to pay attention
Somehow I feel
I left something behind
I look back
Just on time
To catch the ending credits
From a leaving showcase.
I see bold letters
Suddenly it hits me.
I have seen those acts before.
There always have been
Act One before.
So many times
All the way to infinity.
I see electrons, saying goodbyes
To each other
Some with happy faces.
Some have shocked emotions.
One says: What the H?
I see his dad, puts a finger of Silence
On his lips
Mom says traveling to Neverland
To ultimate nothingness
To non-existence
Was always our path
Our destiny
We are going to be observers
Laughing observers
With no responsibility
No one to answer too.
Well done
So long all.
Meet you on the other side
In nothingness
Now after fourteen billion years.
In this version of  act one
I remember like yesterday
Those goodbyes. Those worries
And assurances of mom and dad.
And I realize.
My soul is eternal.
Always travels back and forth
Between nothingness
And the world of existence.
I make the rules, I create worlds.
Then I abide by those rules.
Then I end it
And start all over again.
March 18, 2017.